Publications List

Translated, abridged, re-worked, and annotated by Robert D. McChesney, B.A. 1967, Ph.D. 1973.
In January 1929, the reigning monarch of Afghanistan, Amir Aman Allah Khan, was driven from his capital by a former soldier turned outlaw. The uprising was a response to the ruler’s attempts to modernize the tribal culture of…

Translated by Robert D. McChesney, B. A. 1967, Ph.D. 1973.
Through years of neglect, deliberate modernization, and the effect of decades of war, Kabul’s architectural history has virtually disappeared. By meticulous use of all available records including written works, photographs,…
Amit Bein, Ph.D. 2006.
To better understand the lasting legacy of international relations in the post-Ottoman Middle East, we must first re-examine Turkey's engagement with the region during the interwar period. Long assumed to be a period of deliberate disengagement and ruptured ties between Turkey and its neighbours, Amit Bein…

On dönem Osmanlı tarihinde oynadığı belirleyici rolü tartışmasız olan Osmanlı İttihad ve Terakki Cemiyeti (Fırkası)’nın yapısı incelendiğinde; farklı alanlarda, değişik liderle karşılaşılıyor. İşte bunlardan biri olan Enver Paşanın 1911–1913 yıllarına ait mektuplarından derlenmiş olan bu kitap son dönem Osmanlı Tarihine kısa da olsa bir bakış…

Co-edited by Adam Abdelhamid Sabra, PhD. 1998.
This is the first publication of the official correspondence of the leading religious scholar and literary figure, Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abi al-Hasan al-Bakri al-Siddiqi al-Shafi'i Sibt Al al-Hasan. It provides a window into the world of an influential religious scholar in sixteenth century…
Edited and introduced by Adam Sabra, Ph.D. 1998.
This guide to political behavior and expediency offers advice to Sufi shaykhs, or spiritual guides, on how to interact and negotiate with powerful secular officials, judges, and treasurers, or emirs.

Since 2007, five volumes of the collection of Modarressi's early (pre-1979) Persian articles have been published. These include volumes entitled Ijtima'iyat, Qummiyat, Sanadiyat, Kitabiyat, and Tarikhiyat. Having access to these reprints is most welcome given the fact that most of the articles…

Co-edited by Nadav Samin, Ph.D. 2013.
Senior scholars of Islamic studies and the anthropology of Islam gather in this volume to pay tribute to one of the giants of the field, Dale F. Eickelman. In diversely arrayed, rigorous and compelling chapters, leading historians, anthropologists, and political scientists elaborate through their…

The Koran has constituted a remarkably resilient core of identity and continuity for a religious tradition that is now in its fifteenth century. In this Very Short Introduction, Michael Cook provides a lucid and direct account of the significance of the Koran both in the modern world and in that of traditional Islam. He gives vivid accounts of…