@misc{173, author = {Jessica Mentesoglu}, title = {Advanced Turkish}, abstract = {

Advanced Turkish DVD-ROM is comprehensive multimedia language courseware. This DVD-ROM package is the equivalent of a textbook and workbook, with audio and video.

It can be used either by independent learners or by students in a traditional or self-instructional classroom setting, and covers material equivalent to a one-year college course.

What{\textquoteright}s Inside:

Table of Contents


  1. Bir Nasreddin Hoca g{\"u}lmecesi (A Nasreddin Hoca Story)
  2. {\c C}im Serisi (Lawn Series)
  3. {\.I}nternete girelim mi, girmeyelim mi? (Shall we enter the Internet or not?)
  4. Fala merakl{\i} (Interested in horoscopes)
  5. {\.I}nternet Fuarlar{\i}ndan {\.I}zlenimler (Impressions from Internet Conventions)
  6. Bir K{\i}br{\i}s ziyareti (A visit to Cyprus)
  7. {\c C}ocuk Bak{\i}m{\i} (Childcare)
  8. Bursa Gen{\c c} {\.I}{\c s} Adamlar{\i} ve Y{\"o}neticileri Derne{\u g}i (BURSA Young Businessmen and Managers Association)
  9. Haks{\i}z Rekabet (Unfair Competition)
  10. Sigara {\.I}{\c c}mek Yasak! (Smoking is prohibited!)
  11. Yemek Yapal{\i}m (Let{\textquoteright}s make a meal)
  12. Bir Seyahat Maceras{\i} (A Travel Adventure)
  13. Ayasofya Gezisi (A Trip to Ayasofya)
  14. Gelece{\u g}imiz (Our future)
  15. O Filmi Anlatsana? (Why don{\textquoteright}t you tell me about that film?)
  16. Futbol (Soccer)
  17. Ney (Reed Flute)
  18. {\"O}devimiz (Our assignment)
  19. Televizyon Dizileri (Television Series)

Alphabet, Phonology, and Grammar (1-18 are review from Beginning and Intermediate Turkish)

  1. The Turkish Alphabet
  2. Phonology I
  3. Phonology II
  4. Nouns
  5. The verb "to be"
  6. Postpositions
  7. Pronouns
  8. Adjectives
  9. Particles
  10. Numbers, dates, prices, and more
  11. Verbs - Present Tenses
  12. Verbs - Past Tenses
  13. Verbs - Future Tense
  14. Verbs - Conditional Tense
  15. Verbs - Compound Verbs
  16. Adverbs
  17. Imperative, Optative, and Necessitative
  18. Reciprocal Constructions
  19. Participles - Present Tenses
  20. Participles - Future Tenses
  21. Participles - Past Tenses
  22. Participles - Head Nouns and Verbal Nouns
  23. Verbs - Passive
  24. Verbs - Reflexive
  25. Causative
  26. Adverbial Constructions
  27. Subordinating Constructions


{\textquotedblleft}Advanced Turkish is beneficial and effective language software for expanding learners{\textquoteright} knowledge of Turkish language and culture.{\textquotedblright}
Vehbi Turel, University of Bingol

}, year = {2009}, publisher = {University of Arizona Critical Languages Program}, address = {Tucson}, isbn = {9781929986132}, language = {eng}, }