@book{323, author = {Eric Ormsby}, title = {Theodicy in Islamic Thought: The Dispute over al-Ghaz{\={a}}li{\textquoteright}s {\textquotedblleft}Best of All Possible Worlds{\textquotedblright}}, abstract = {
Eric L. Ormsby, Ph.D. 1981
The first detailed study of Islamic theodicy, the book points out distinctively Islamic formulations and solutions of the problem of the best of all possible worlds{\textquotedblright} and shows where they coincide with Western versions, such as that of~Leibniz.
}, year = {1984}, publisher = {Princeton University Press}, address = {Princeton, NJ}, isbn = {Cloth: 9780691640372; paper: 9780691612447; ebook: 9781400856336}, language = {eng}, }