@book{646, author = {Fayẕ Haz{\={a}}rah}, editor = {Robert McChesney and Mehdi Khorrami}, title = {Fay{\.z} Muḥammad K{\={a}}tib Hazḥrah{\textquoteright}s Afghan Genealogy and Memoir of the Revolution: Supplement to The History of Afghanistan}, abstract = {

Edited and translated by Robert McChesney, B.A. 1967 and Ph.D. 1973, and Mohammad Mehdi Khorrami.

This book comprises English translations of~Nizh{\={a}}dn{\={a}}mah-i Afgh{\={a}}n~(Afghan Genealogy) and~Taakkur al-Inqil{\={a}}b~(Memoir of the Revolution), the culminating works of Fayż Muammad K{\={a}}tib Haz{\={a}}rah{\textquoteright}s monumental history of Afghanistan,~Sir{\={a}}j al-taw{\={a}}rikh~(The History of Afghanistan).~Nizh{\={a}}dn{\={a}}mah-i Afgh{\={a}}n, a detailed guide to all the ethnic and religious communities in Afghanistan in the first third of the 20th century, is the first locally-produced ethnography by a modern Afghan scholar. The~Taakkur al-Inqil{\={a}}b~is Fayz Muhammad{\textquoteright}s journalistic record of seven of the nine months of Amir abib All{\={a}}h Kalak{\={a}}ni{\textquoteright}s reign in 1929. Together with~The History of Afghanistan~these works offer an incomparable resource for the history of Afghanistan from the mid-18th to the mid-20th centuries.

}, year = {2019}, publisher = {Brill}, address = {Leiden and Boston}, issn = {Cloth: 9789004391826; ebook: 9789004392441}, language = {eng}, }