
Topic: NES Seminar Series #11 The Islamic Age of Communication

Speaker: Beatrice Gruendler, Freie Universitat Berlin
Respondent: Lara Harb, Princeton University

Beatrice Gruendler is Professor of Arabic at the Freie Universität Berlin. Her areas of research include the development of the Arabic script, classical Arabic literature and its social context, Arabic book history, and the role of Arabic in global literature. She is the author of The Rise of the Arabic Book (2020), The Development of the Arabic Scripts: From the Nabatean Era to the First Islamic Century (1993, Arabic trans. 2004), Medieval Arabic Praise Poetry: Ibn al-Rūmī and the Patron’s Redemption (2003, paperback 2010), and The Life and Times of Abū Tammām (Akhbār Abī Tammām) by Abū Bakr Muhammad ibn Yaḥyā al-Ṣūlī (2015, paperback 2018), and contributing editor of Understanding Near Eastern Literatures: A Spectrum of Interdisciplinary Approaches (2000), Writers and Rulers: Perspectives from Abbasid to Safavid Times (2004), and Classical Arabic Humanities in Their Own Terms (2007).

Monday, November 16, 2020