Not a Cycle of Violence: An Episodic Analysis of the Israel-Gaza Conflict

Mar 12, 2018, 12:00 pm12:00 pm
Jones Hall Room 202
GOOD Free and open to the public



Event Description

Dr Alexei Abrahams researches conflict and political economy of development in the Middle East. He uses game theory, econometric techniques, machine learning, natural language parsing, satellite imagery, event data and internet data to analyze conflict between state and non-state actors and the fallout of their actions. While his past work has focused on violence in the Israel-Palestine Conflict, his ongoing projects branch out to address non-violent tactics, including cyber/informational attacks, and are relevant to the broader MENA region, including the Gulf.

Dr Abrahams is currently a research fellow at Princeton University's Niehaus Center for Globalization and Governance (Woodrow Wilson School). He holds a PhD in Economics from Brown University (2015) and is an affiliate of Empirical Studies of Conflict (ESOC). He was previously a research fellow at the Middle East Initiative (Harvard Kennedy School - Belfer Center) and the University of California at San Diego's Institute of Global Conflict and Cooperation. He also regularly consults for the World Bank and Asian Development Bank.

Light lunch served.