On this page you will find a list of Near Eastern Studies Ph.D.s, their dissertation titles, and advisors if known from the establishment of the department in 1927 as the Department of Oriental Languages and Literatures to the present day. The dissertations are arranged chronologically, most recent to oldest.
Past Dissertation Titles
Koujah, Rami. “Rights, Responsibility, and the Legal Construction of the Human: An Intellectual History of Personhood in Islamic Law.” Hossein Modarressi.
Rashidbeigi, Samin. “Convictions and Persuasions: Transfusion Technology and the Blood Donor in Modern Iran.” Behrooz Ghamari-Tabrizi.
Bozluolcay, Murat. “Coalescence of the Empire: Administration of the Provincial Economy in Ottoman Damascus, 1820–1860.” Max Weiss.
Coşkuntuna, Duygu. “Fighting the Ottoman Great War.” M. Şükrü Hanioğlu.
Pelling, Jamie Keith. “Feeling Like a Sate: Anxiety and Optimism in the Late Ottoman Empire.” Michael Reynolds.
Clark, Kyle C. “The Civilized Ottoman: Racism, Masculinity, and Honor during the Great Eastern Crisis of 1875-78.” M. Şükrü Hanioğlu.
Islam, Sarah. “Blasphemy (Sabb al-Rasūl) as a Legal Category in Medieval Islamic History (1st/7th–13th/19th Centuries).” Michael A. Cook.
Ketsemanian, Varak. “The Armenian Constitutional Order in the Late Ottoman Empire: From Reform to Crisis.” M. Şükrü Hanioğlu.
Mansour, Nadirah. “An Intellectual and Material History of the Transition between Manuscript and Print in Arabic, 19th Century.” Jonathan Gribetz and Cyrus Schayegh.
Perlman, Yaara. “Family Relations and Politics in Early Islam.” Michael A. Cook.
Picard, Joshua Efrem. “The Security Pact (ʿAhd al-Amān) and the Bathou Sfez Affair: French Imperialism, Islamic Law, and the Jewish Community of Ottoman Tunisia in 1857.” Marina Rustow.
Pukhovaia, Ekaterina. “Between Sultans and Imams: The State and Political Elites in Yemen (Late 15th – Middle of 17th Century). Michael A. Cook.
Chen, Edith X. “Southern Iranian Vassal States under the Ilkhanate (1220–1300).” Michael A. Cook.
Balistreri, Alexander E. “The Persistence of the Periphery: Domination and Change in the Anatolian-Caucasian Borderland.” Michael A. Reynolds.
Dargin, Cevat. “State-Making in Dersim Across Empire and Nation-State (1878–1938).” Michael A. Reynolds.
Kitlas, Peter Francis. “Divinely Guided Ambassadors: Ottoman and Moroccan Roots of Modern Diplomacy in the Eighteenth-Century Mediterranean.” M’hamed Oualdi.
Benfey, Thomas Blair. “The Scholars of Sasanian Iran and Their Islamic Heirs.” Michael A. Cook,
Palombo, Cecilia. “The Christian Clergy’s Islamic Local Government in Late Marwanid and Abbasid Egypt.” Michael A. Cook.
Radovanović, Jelena. “Contested Legacy: Property in Transition to Nation-State in Post-Ottoman Niš.” M. Şükrü Hanioğlu.
Schumann, Matthew Conaway. “A Path of Reverent Love: The Nasiriyya Brotherhood across Muslim Africa (11th-12th/17th-18th centuries).” Michael A. Cook.
Lee, Dana Elizabeth. “At the Limits of Law: Necessity in Islamic Legal History, Second/Eighth through Tenth/Sixteenth Centuries.” Hossein Modarressi.
Schlein, Deborah Joanne. “Medicine without Borders: Tibb and the Asbab Tradition in Mughal and Colonial India.” Michael A. Cook.
Al-Azami, Usaama A. “Modern Islamic Political Thought: Islamism in the Arab World from the Late 20th to Early 21st Centuries.” Bernard Haykel.
Bunzel, Cole Michael. “Manifest Enmity: The Origins, Development, and Persistence of Classical Wahhabism (1153–1351/1741–1932).” Bernard Haykel.
Stephenson, Lindsey. “Rerouting the Persian Gulf: The Transnationalization of Iranian Migrant Networks, c. 1900–1940.” Cyrus Schayegh
Verskin, Sara , G. “Barren Women: The Intersection of Biology, Medicine, and Religion in the Treatment of Infertile Women in the Medieval Middle East.” Michael A. Cook.
Foster, Zachary Jacob. “The Invention of Palestine.” Cyrus Schayegh.
Johnsen, Gregory Dean. “A Century of Upheaval: The fall of the Imāmate and the Rise of the Ḥūthīs in Yemen, 1904–2014.” Bernard A. Haykel.
Husayn, Nebil. “The Memory of Ali b. Talib in Early Sunni Thought.” Hossein Modarressi.
Rock-Singer, Aaron White. “Guiding the Pious to Practice: Islamic Magazines and Revival in Egypt, 1976–1981.” M. Qasim Zaman.
Fuchs, Simon Wolfgang. “Relocating the Centers of Shīʿī Islam: Religious Authority, Sectarianism, and the Limits of the Transnational in Colonial India and Pakistan.” M. Qasim Zaman.
Zaki, Mona Abdel Hamid. “Jahannam in Medieval Islamic Thought.” Michael A. Cook.
Helfont, Samuel R. “Compulsion in Religion: The Authoritarian Roots of Saddam Hussein’s Islam.” Bernard A. Haykel.
Olidort, Jacob. “In Defense of Tradition: Muḥammad Nāṣir Al-Dīn Al-Albānī and the Salafī Method.” Bernard A. Haykel.
Zinger, Oded. “Women, Gender and Law: Marital Disputes According to Documents from the Cairo Geniza.” Mark R. Cohen.
Akarca, Halit Dündar. “Imperial Formations in Occupied Lands: The Russian Occupation of Ottoman Territories during the First World War.” M. Şükrü Hanioğlu.
Sayers, David Selim. “The Wiles of Women in Ottoman and Azeri Texts.” M. Şükrü Hanioğlu.
Szilágyi, Krisztina. “After the Prophet’s Death: Christian-Muslim Polemic and the Literary Images of Muhammad.” Michael A. Cook.
Garipova, Rozaliya. “Transformation of the Ulama and the Shari ’a in the Volga-Ural Muslim Community under Russian Imperial Rule.” M. Qasim Zaman.
Lob, Eric S. “An Institutional History of the Iranian Construction Jihad.” Mirjam Künkler.
Samin, Nadav. “The Dark Matter of Tribal Belonging: Genealogical Representation and Practice in Saudi Arabia.” Bernard A. Haykel.
Stolz, Daniel A. “The Lighthouse and the Observatory: Islam, Authority, and Cultures of Astronomy in Late Ottoman Egypt.” M. Qasim Zaman.
Weitz, Lev E. “Syriac Christians in the Medieval Islamic World: Law, Family, and Society.” Michael A. Cook.
Cohen, Elisabeth H. “Formal Structure in the Lyric Poetry of 'Abd Allah Ibn Al-Mu'tazz.” Andras P. Hamori.
Ivanyi, Katharina Anna. “Virtue, Piety and the Law: A Study Of Birgivī Meḥmed Efendī’s Al-Ṭarīqa Al-Muḥammadiyya.” Michael A. Cook.
Kılınçoğlu, Deniz T. “The Political Economy of Ottoman Modernity: Ottoman Economic Thought During the Reign of Abdülhamid II (1876–1909).” M. Şükrü Hanioğlu.
Marglin, Jessica M. “In the Courts of the Nations: Jews, Muslims, and Legal Pluralism in Nineteenth-Century Morocco.” Mark R. Cohen.
Petrović, Maya. “ The Land of the Foreign Padishah: India in Ottoman Reality and Imagination. ” M. Şükrü Hanioğlu.
Tendler, Bella. “Concealment and Revelation: A Study of Secrecy and Initiation Among the Nusayri-alawis of Syria.” Michael A. Cook
Uyanık, Nevzat. “Delegitimizing the Ottoman Imperial Order at the Threshold Of New Diplomacy (The Interplay of Anglo-American Policies on the Ottoman Armenians, 1914–1923).” M. Şükrü Hanioğlu
Yarbrough, Luke B. “Islamizing the Islamic State: The Formulation and Assertion of Religious Criteria for State Employment in the First Millennium AH.” Michael A. Cook.
Hatke, George. “Africans in Arabia Felix: Aksumite relations with Himyar in the sixth century C.E.” Michael Cook.
Hen-Tov, Elliot. “Asymmetry of interest: Turkish-Iranian relations since 1979.” Bernard Haykel.
Witztum, Joseph Benzion. “The Syriac milieu of the Quran: the recasting of biblical narratives.” Michael Cook.
Darakcioğlu, Mehmet. “Rebuilding the tower of Babel: language divide, employment of translators, and the translation bureau in the Ottoman empire.” M. Şükrü Hanioğlu.
Methodieva, Milena Bogomilova. “Reform, politics and culture among the Muslims in Bulgaria, 1878–1908.” M. Şükrü Hanioğlu.
Osman, Amr. “The history and doctrine of the Ẓāhirī madhhab.” Michael A. Cook.
Verskin, Alan. “Early Islamic legal responses to living under Christian rule: Reconquista-era development and 19th-century impact in the Maghrib.” Michael A. Cook.
Aǧır, Seven M. “From welfare to wealth: Ottoman and Castilian grain trade policies in a time of change.” M. Şükrü Hanioğlu.
Ayalon, Yaron. “Plagues, famines, earthquakes: the Jews of Ottoman Syria and natural disasters.” Mark Cohen.
Hassan, Mona F. “Loss of caliphate: the trauma and aftermath of 1258 and 1924.” Michael A. Cook and M. Şükrü Hanioğlu.
Motlagh, Amy. “Married to modernity: gender, fiction and reform in Twentieth-century Iran.” Negin Nabavi?. Andras Hamori.
Rabb, Intisar A. “Doubt’s benefit: legal maxims in Islamic law, 7th–16th centuries.” Hossein Modarressi.
Bauer, Karen A. “Room for interpretation :Qur’ānic exegesis amd gender.” Michael Cook.
Ferris, Jesse. “Egypt, the cold war, and the civil war in Yemen, 1962–1966.” M. Şükrü Hanioğlu?.
Moebius, Marc Helmuth. “Narrative judgements: the Qāḍī al-Tanūkhī and the Faraj genre in medieval Arabic literature.” Andras Hamori.
Simonsohn, Uriel I. “Overlapping jurisdictions: confessional boundaries and judicial choice among Christians and Jews under Early Muslim rule.” Mark Cohen.
Ackerman-Lieberman, Phillip Isaac. “A partnership culture: Jewish economic and social life seen through the legal documents of the Cairo Geniza.” Mark Cohen.
Ahmed, Asad Q. “Between the acts: the Hijāzi elite and the internal politics of the Umayyad and Early ’Abbādis Empires.” Michael Cook.
Haider, Najam Iftikhar. “The birth of sectarian identity in 2nd/8th century Kufa: Zaydism and the politics of perpetual revolution.” Michael Cook and Hossein Modarressi.
Stearns, Justin K. “Infectious ideas: contagion in Medieval Islamic and Christian thought.” Michael Cook.
Bein, Amit. “The Ulema, their institutions, and politics in the late Ottoman Empire (1876–1924).” M. Şükrü Hanioğlu.
Dagli, Caner K. “From mysticism to philosophy (and back): an ontological history of the school of the oneness of being.” Hossein Modarressi.
McCants, William Faizi. “Founding forefathers: the impact of the Greek and Arab conquests on native histories of culture.” Michael Cook.
Petrov, Milen V. “Tanzimat for the countryside: Midhat Paşa and the Vilayet of Danube, 1864–1868.” M. Şükrü Hanioğlu.
Sadeghi, Behnam. “The structure of reasoning in post-formative Islamic jurisprudence.” Michael Cook and Hossein Modarressi.
Bashkin, Orit. “Intellectuals in monarchic Iraq, representations of Iraqi intellectuals, 1921–1941.” Samah Selim.
Burc̦ak, Berrak. “Science, a remedy for all ills healing "The sick man of Europe": A case for Ottoman scientism.” M. Şükrü Hanioğlu.
El-Leithy, Tamer “Coptic culture and conversion in Medieval Cairo, 1293–1524 A.D.” Michael Cook.
Sayeed, Asma. “Shifting fortunes: women and ḥadīth transmission in Islamic history (first to eighth Centuries).” Hossein Modarressi.
Traboulsi, Samer F. “The formation of an Islamic sect: the Ṭayyibī Ismāʻīlīs in Medieval Yemen.” Michael Cook.
Yosmaoğlu-Turner, İpek. “The Priest’s Robe and the Rebel’s Rifle: communal conflict and the construction of national identity in Ottoman Macedonia.” M. Şükrü Hanioğlu.
Alshech, Eli. “Notions of privacy in classical Sunni Islamic thought.” Michael Cook.
Di-Capua, Yoav. “The thought and practice of modern Egyptian historiography, 1890–1970.” Robert Tignor.
Sijpesteijn, Petra Marieke. “Shaping a Muslim state papyri related to a mid-eighth-century Egyptian official.” Abraham Udovitch.
Aksakal, Mustafa. “Defending the nation: the German-Ottoman Alliance of 1914 and the Ottoman decision for war.” M. Şükrü Hanioğlu.
Milburn, Sandra J. “An axe for the frozen sea inside us: the writings of Mohamed Choukri.” Margaret Larkin.
Miller, Ruth Austin. “From fikh to fascism: the Turkish Republican adoption of Mussolini’s criminal code in the context of late Ottoman legal reform.” M. Şükrü Hanioğlu.
Reynolds, Michael A. “The Ottoman-Russian struggle for Eastern Anatolia and the Caucasus, 1908–1918: identity, ideology and the geopolitics of world order.” M. Şükrü Hanioğlu.
Klein, Janet. “Power in the periphery: the Hamidiye Light Cavalry and the struggle over Ottoman Kurdistan, 1890–1914.” M. Şükrü Hanioğlu.
Margariti, Roxani Eleni. “Like the place of congregation on judgement day: maritime trade and urban organization in medieval Aden (ca. 1083–1229).” Abraham Udovitch
Rapoport, Yossef. “Marriage and divorce in the Muslim Near East, 1250–1517.” Abraham Udovitch.
Sharlet, Jocelyn C. “Transient pleasures and perpetual risks: the integration of fulfillment and loss in the classical Arabic and Persian panegyric qasida.” Andras Hamori.
Stone, Christopher Reed. “The Raḥbānī nation: musical theater and nationalism in contemporary Lebanon.” Andras Hamori.
Yildirim, Onur. “Diplomats and refugees: mapping the Turco-Greek exchange of populations, 1922–1934.” M. Şükrü Hanioğlu.
Franklin, Arnold E . “Shoots of David: members of the exilarchal dynasty in the Middle Ages.” Mark Cohen.
Papademetriou, Anastasios G. “Ottoman tax farming and the Greek Orthodox patriarchate: an examination of state and church in Ottoman society (15–16th century).” Heath Lowry.
Tezcan, Baki. “Searching for Osman: a reassessment of the deposition of the Ottoman sultan Osman II (1618–1622).” Heath Lowry.
Ahmad, Saiyad Nizamuddin. “Fatwās of condemnation: Islam and the limits of dissent.” John Willis.
Allen, Phillip C. “The last despot: ethnic consciousness, power politics, and the orthodox church in late Ottoman Syria.” Heath Lowry.
Bone, Harry. “The administration of Umayyad Syria: the evidence of the copper coins.” Michael A. Cook.
Dakake, Maria Massi. “Loyalty, love and faith: defining the boundaries of the early Shi ̀ite community.” Hossein Modarressi.
Hatemi, Nilüfer. “Unfolding a life: Marshal Fevzi Çakmak’s diaries.” M. Şükrü Hanioğlu.
Yilmaz, Şuhnaz. “From strangers to allies: Turkish-American relations (1800–1952).”
Abou El Fadl, Khaled Medhat. “The Islamic law of rebellion: the rise and development of the juristic discourses on insurrection, insurgency and brigandage.” Hossein Modarressi.
Ahmed, Mohammed Shahab. “The Satanic verses incident in the memory of the early Muslim community an analysis of the early Riwāyahs and Their Isnāds.” Michael A. Cook.
Sabra, Adam Abdelhamid. “Poverty and charity in Mamluk Cairo (1250–1517).” Michael A. Cook.
Tiregol, Jessica Selma. “The role of primary education in nation-state-building: the case of the early Turkish Republic (1923–1938).”
Doran, Michael Scott. “The politics of Pan-Arabism: Egyptian foreign policy, 1945–1948.”
Ghalwash, Maha Ahmad. “Peasant land tenure in mid-nineteenth century Egypt, 1848–1862.”
Heger, Nomi. “The status and the image of the Persianate artist.” Hossein Modarressi.
Kahera, Akel Ismail. “Building, dwelling & reasoning: a discourse on Mālikī legal practice & the ‘ordering’ of habitat in the medieval Maghrib.” John Willis.
Landis, Joshua M. “Nationalism and the politics of Zama: the collapse of republican Syria, 1945–1949.”
Leites, Adrien. “The time of birth of Muḥammad: a study of Islamic tradition.” Michael A. Cook.
Raz, Ronen. “The transparent mirror: Arab intellectuals and orientalism, 1798–1950.” Michael A. Cook.
Soufi, Denise L. “The image of Fāṭima in classical Muslim thought.” Hossein Modarressi.
Womble, Theresa Liane [Theresa Engert]. “Early constitutionalism in Tunisia, 1857–1864: reform and revolt.”
Frierson, Elizabeth Brown. “Unimagined communities: state, press, and gender in the Hamidian era.”
Hannoum, Abdelmajid. “The legend of the Kahina a study in historiography and mythmaking in North Africa.”
Hamdani, Sumaiya Abbas. “From Daʻwa to Dawla: Qadi al-Nuʻman’s Ẓâhirî construction of Fatimid legitimacy.”
Khalilieh, Hassan Salih. “Islamic maritime law and practice during the classical period (200–900 A.H./815–1494 C.E.): a study based on jurisprudential, historical and Geniza sources.” Abraham Udovitch.
Agoumy, Taoufik Ahmed. “Housing the urban poor of Taza, Morocco, and the impact of the relocation process.” L. Carl Brown.
Anscombe, Frederick Fallowfield. “The Ottoman Gulf and the creation of Kuwayt, Sauʻdi Arabia and Qatar, 1871–1914.”
Hurvitz, Nimrod. “Aḥmad ibn Ḥanbal and the formation of Islamic orthodoxy.” Michael A. Cook.
Marmer, David Bruce Jay. “The political culture of the Abbasid court, 279–324 (A.H.).” Michael A. Cook.
Wisnovsky, Robert. “Avicena on final causality.” Hossein Modarressi.
Babayan, Kathryn. “The waning of the Qizilbash: the spiritual and the temporal in seventeenth century Iran.” Hossein Modarressi.
Greene, Molly. “Kandiye 1669–1720: the formation of a merchant class.”
Tsafrir, Nurit. “The spread of the Ḥanafī school in the western regions of the ʻAbbāsid caliphate up to the end of the third century A. H.” Michael A. Cook.
El Moudden, Abderrahmane. “Sharifs and Padishahs: Moroccan-Ottoman relations from the 16th through the 18th centuries: contribution to the study of a diplomatic culture.” L. Carl Brown.
Hathaway, Jane. “Years of ocak power: the rise of the Qazdağli household and the transformation of Ottoman Egypt’s military society, 1670–1750.”
Le Gall, Dina. “The Ottoman Naqshbandiyya in the pre-Mujaddidī phase: a study in Islamic religious culture and its transmission.”
Nakash, Yitzhak. “Shiʾism and national identity in Iraq, 1908–1958.” Michael A. Cook.
Vaughan, Rupert D. “Al-Asrar fi nahj al-Islam: Muslims and secret sciences in West Africa circa 1100 to 1880.”
Beaumont, Daniel E. “Love & hope & sex & dreams: comic narratives in classical Arabic literature.”
Blake, Corinne. “Training Arab-Ottoman bureaucrats: Syrian graduates of the Mülkiye Mektebi, 1890–1920.”
Çavuşoğlu, Semiramis. “The Ḳāḍīzādelı movement: an attempt of şerīʻat-minded reform in the Ottoman empire.”
Katz, Jonathan Glustrom. “The vision of the Prophet in fifteenth-century North Africa: Muḥammad al-Zawâwî’s Tuḥfat al-Nâzir.” Michael A. Cook.
Marmon, Shaun Elizabeth. “The Eunuchs of the Prophet: space, time and gender in Islamic society.”
Constable, Olivia Remie. “At the edge of the West: international traders in muslim Spain (1000–1250).”
Lewinstein, Keith. “Studies in Islamic heresiography: the Khawārij in two Firaq traditions.” Michael A. Cook.
Singer, Amy. “Ottoman officials and Palestinian peasants: rural administration in the sancak of Jerusalem in the mid-sixteenth century.”
Taylor, Christopher Schurman. “The cult of the saints in late medieval Egypt.”
Bean, William. “The contemporary financial development of Kuwait and Bahrain: a study of contrasts.”
Peirce, Leslie P. “The imperial harem: gender and power in the Ottoman empire, 1520–1656.”
Bonner, Michael David. “The emergence of the Thughūr: the Arab-Byzantine frontier in the early ʻAbbāsid Age.” Michael A. Cook.
Marlow, Louise. “Theories of social stratification in Islamic literature until the end of the Mongol period.”
Groiss, Arnon. “Religious particularism and national integration: changing perceptions of the political self-identity among the Greek-Orthodox Christians of Greater Syria, 1840–1914.” Bernard Lewis and Charles Issawi.
Le Gall, Michel F. “Pashas, Bedouins and notables: Ottoman administration in Tripoli and Benghazi, 1881–1902.”
Oren, Michael [Bornstein, Michael]. “From revolution to crisis: Egypt-Israel relations, 1952–1956.”
Holbrook, Victoria Rowe. “Galib’s “Beauty and love”: the ultimate romance.”
Macmillan, Ewen. “Priorities underlying the evolution of an Arabic short vowel system: Cantineau’s Rwêli idiolects as exponents of the chronological ordering of linguistic shifts.”
Coury, Ralph Moses. “Abd al-Rahman Azzam and the development of Egyptian Arab nationalism.”
Lerrick, Alison. “Tag̲h̲ribat Banī Hilāl Al-Ḍiyāg̲h̲im: variation in the oral epic poetry of Najd.”
Mayers, Marilyn Anne. “A century of psychiatry: the Egyptian mental hospitals.”
Miller, Larry Benjamin. “Islamic disputation theory: a study of the development of dialectic in Islam from the tenth through fourteenth centuries.”
Burroughs, Diana. “China’s foreign policy toward the Arab world 1949–1980.”
Davidson, Olga M. “The crown-bestower in the Iranian Book of Kings.”
Offer, Blaise [Rita]. “Literature in pre-revolutionary Iran: Golshiri’s prose fiction.”
Soysal, Orhan. “An analysis of the influences of Turkey’s alignment with the West and of the Arab-Israeli conflict upon Turkish-Israeli and Turkish-Arab relations.”
Avramsḳi-Blai, ʻIrit. “From Damascus to Baghdad: the ʻAbbasid administrative system as a product of the Umayyad heritage (41/661–320/932).”
Beeson, Caroline J. “The origins of conflict in the Ṣafawī religious institution.”
Fleischer, Cornell H. “Gelibolulu Mustafa Âli Efendi, 1541–1600: a study in Ottoman historical consciousness.”
Hattox, Ralph S. “Coffee-houses and urban society in the Mamluk and Ottoman lands in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.”
Kramer, Martin Seth. “The Congress in modern Islam: on the origins of an innovation.”
Yarrison, James Lee. “Force as an instrument of policy: European military incursions and trade in the Maghrib, 1000–1355.”
Yūsuf, Muḥsin Dhīb. “The economic history of Syria during the 4/10–5/11th centuries.”
Conrad, Lawrence I. “The plague in the early medieval Near East.”
Ormsby, Eric L. “An Islamic version of theodicy: the dispute over al-Ghazālī’s ‘best of all possible worlds.’”
Ayalon, Ami. “Middle Eastern perceptions of the West: a study in Arabic political terminology.”
Fernandes, Leonor E. “The evolution of the khānqāh institution in Mamluk Egypt.”
LeBaron, Joseph Evan. “The impact of structural economic change on political movements in Sudan, 1900–1953.”
Mire, Lawrence. “The social origins of liberal political thought in Egypt, 1879–1914.”
Dablan, Farouk A. “The rise and fall of a U.N. peace-keeping force.”
Powers, David Stephan. “The formation of the Islamic law of inheritance.”
Royce, William Ronald. “Mīr Maʻsūm ʻAli Shāh and the Niʻmat Allāhī revival 1776–77 to 1796–97: a study of Sufism and its opponents in late eighteenth century Īrān.”
Toledano, Ehud R. “The suppression of the slave trade in the Ottoman Empire in the nineteenth century.”
Finn, Robert P. “The early Turkish novel: 1872–1900.”
Heilman, Elizabeth Greene. “Popular protest in medieval Baghdad: 295–334 A.H./908–946 A.D.”
Shoshan, Boaz. “Money, prices, and population in Mamluk, Egypt, 1382–1517.”
Barbir, Karl K. “The dynamics of Ottoman rule in Damascus during the first half of the eighteenth century.” (PUL OPAC has 1976)
Ḥasanayn, Aḥmad Ṭāhir [Ahmed T. Hassanein]. “Linguistic criteria in medieval Arabic practical criticism: from 3rd/9th to 5th/11th centuries.”
Akarlı, Engin Deniz. “The problems of external pressures, power struggle and budgetary deficits in Ottoman politics under Abdulhamid II (1876–1909): origins and solutions.”
Bisharat, Leila (Leila Bates, Leila Erder). “From trade to manufacture in Bursa: the structure of a Turkish city 1835–1975”
Finefrock, Michael Martin. “From Sultanate to Republic: Mustafa Kamal Atatürk and the structure of Turkish politics, 1922–1924.”
Osman, Muhammad Fathi M. “The juristic rules of conquered land and land taxation: Fay ̀and Kharāj. Their origins and development in medieval Islam.”
Donner, Fred McGraw. “The Arab tribes in the Muslim conquest of Iraq.”
Sevier, Candida Elizabeth. “The Anglo-Egyptian condominium in the Southern Sudan, 1918–1939.”
Sude, Barbara Hooper. “Ibn Al-Haytham’s commentary on the premises of Euclid’s Elements (Sharh Musadarat kitab uqlidis fi al-’usul) Books I–VI.”
Danziger, Raphael. “Abd al-Qadir and the Algerians: resistance to the French and internal consolidation (1832–1839).”
Lorentz, John H. “Modernization and political change in nineteenth-century Iran: the role of Amir Kabir.”
Woods, John E. “Āqqūyunlu: clan, confederation, and empire.”
Macken, Richard A. “The indigenous reaction to the French protectorate in Tunisia, 1881–1900.”
Maguire, Marcia E. “Rustam and Isfandiyār in the Shāhnāmeh.”
McChesney, R. D. “Waqf at Balkh: a study of the endowments at the Shrine of ʻAlī ībn Abī Tālib.”
Meredith, Colin. “The Qajar response to Russia’s military challenge, 1804–28.”
Perkins, Kenneth J. “Qaids, captains, and colons: French military administration in the colonial Maghrib, 1844–1934.”
Ware, Lewis Beier. “Jurjī Zaydān: The role of popular history in the formation of a new Arab world-view.”
Ames, Evan B. “The isolationist stance of the Ottoman empire 1700–1711.”
Khayrallah, As’ad E. [Khairallah, Assad]. “Love, madness and poetry: an interpretation of the Majnun legend.”
Bell, Joseph Norment. “The Hanbalite teaching on love.”
Dols, Michael W. “The black death in the Middle East.”
Shinder, Joel. “Ottoman bureaucracy in the second half of the seventeenth century: the central and naval administrations.”
Burke, Edmund, III. “Moroccan political responses to French penetration, 1900–1912.”
Christides, Vassilios. “The image of the pre-Islamic Arab in the Byzantine sources.”
Hyde, John Dennis. “A study of the poetry of Maymūn ibn Qays al- Aʻshá.”
Kunt, I. Metin. “The Köprülü Years, 1656–1661.”
Rehder, Robert McConkie. “Hafiz: An Introduction.”
Clark, Edward C. “The emergence of textile manufacturing entrepreneurs in Turkey, 1804–1968.”
Collins, Brinston Brown. “Hadramawt: crisis and intervention, 1866–1881.”
Kawash, Sabri K. “Ibn Hajar al-Asqalānī (1372–1449 A.D.): a study of the background, education, and career of a ’Ālim in Egypt.”
Mandaville, Jon Elliott. “The Muslim judiciary of Damascus in the late Mumluk period.”
Reid, Donald M. “Farah Antun: the life and times of a Syrian Christian journalist in Egypt.”
Chambers, Richard L. “Ahmed Cevdet Pasa: the formative years of an Ottoman transition.”
Claburn, William Eugene. “Deuteronomy and collective behavior.”
Cleveland, William L. “The making of an Arab nationalist: Ottomanism and Arabism in the life and thought of Sāṭi ̉al-Ḥuṣrī.”
Livingston, John William. “Ali Bey al-Kabīr and the mamluk resurgence in Ottoman Egypt, 1760–1772.”
Shoufani, Elias Shukri. “Al-Riddah and the Muslim conquest of Arabia: a re-evaluation.”
Ahmad, Eqbal. “Politics and labor in Tunisia.”
Crecelius, Daniel Neil. “The Ulama and the state in modern Egypt.”
Verdery, Richard Nesmith. “Abd al-Rahman al-Jabarti as a source for Muhammad Ali’s early years in Egypt (1801–1821).”
Mazzaoui, Michel M. “Shi’ism and the rise of the Safavids.”
Meservey, Sabra F. [Sabra Toback, Sabra Follett]. “Feyzullah Efendi: an Ottoman Seyhulislam.”
Schaar, Stuart. “Conflict and change in nineteenth century Morocco.”
Staley, William C. “The intellectual development of Ahmad Kasraví.”
Weiss, Bernard G. “Language in orthodox Muslim thought: a study of “Wad al-lughah” and its development.”
Luther, Kenneth A. “The political transformation of the Seljuq Sultanate of Iraq and western Iran, 1152–1187.”
Abou-El-Haj, Rifa’at Ali. “The Reisulkuttab and Ottoman diplomacy at Karlowitz.”
Debs, Richard A. “The law of property in Egypt: Islamic law and civil code.”
Stoddard, Philip Hendrick. “The Ottoman government and the Arabs, 1911 to 1918: a preliminary study of the Teskilat-I Mahsusa.”
Forand, Paul Glidden. “The development of military slavery under the Abbasid caliphs of the ninth century A.D. (third century A.H.), with special reference to the reigns of Mu’tasim and Mu’tadid.”
Millward, William, G. “A study of Al-Ya’qubi, with special reference to his alleged Shī’a bias.”
Oxtoby, Willard Gurdon. “Some inscriptions of the Safaitic Beduin.”
Breebaart, Deodaat Anne. “The development and structure of the Turkish Futuwah guilds.”
Landen, Robert Geran. “Modernization and imperialism in Oman in the late nineteenth century.”
Partington, David H. “The Nisab Al-Ihtisab, an Arabic religio-legal text.”
Peters, Francis Edward. “Aristoteles Arabus: the oriental translations and commentaries on the Aristotelian corpus.”
Shamir, Shimon. “The ʻAzm walis of Syria, 1724–1785: the period of dynastic succession in the Government of the walayahs Damascus, Sidon and Tripoli.”
El Kholy, Abdo Abdel Rahman. “Religion and assimilation in two Muslim communities in America.”
Latimer, Frederick Palmer. “The political philosophy of Mustapha Kemal Ataturk, as evidenced in his published speeches and interviews.”
Mitchell, Richard Paul. “The society of the Muslim brothers.”
Itzkowitz, Norman. “Mehmed Raghib Pasha: the making of an Ottoman grand vezir.”
Scanlon, George T. “Tafrij al-kurub fi tadbir al-hurub.” (PUL OPAC has 1960)
Armstrong, James Franklin. “A study of alternative readings in the Hebrew text of the book of Isaiah, and their relation to the old Greek and the Greek recensions.”
Dickson, Martin B. “Shah Tahmasb and the Uzbeks (the duel for Khurasan with ʻUbayd Khan; 930–946/1524–1540).”
Farah, Caesar Elie. “The problem of the Ottoman administration in the Lebanon, 1840–1861.”
Shaw, Stanford Jay. “The financial and administrative organization and development of Ottoman Egypt (1517–1798).” (PUL OPAC has 1959)
Williams, John Alden. “Rawdat al-muridin.”
Abu-Lughod, Ibrahim Ali. “Arab rediscovery of Europe, 1800–1870.”
Joseph, John. “The last phase of Nestorian history.”
Martin, Bradford G. “German-Persian diplomatic relations, 1873–1912.”
Bodman, Herbert Luther. “Political factions in Aleppo, 1760–1826.”
Crawford, Robert Webb. “A history of Aleppo, 478–579 (1085–1183).”
Grabar, Oleg. “Ceremonial and art at the Umayyad court.”
Heer, Nicholas L. “The Bayan al-farq bayn as-sadr w-al-qalb w-alfu’ad w-al-lubb.”
Kritzeck, James Aloysius. “Peter the Venerable and Islam.”
Rogers, Virgil McMurray. “The old Greek version of Chronicles: a comparative study of the LXX with the Hebrew text from a theological approach.”
Shahid, Irfan A. [Irfan Arif Kawar?]. “Early Islam and poetry.”
Reed, Howard Alexander. “The destruction of the Janissaries by Mahmud II in June, 1826.”
Gard, Donald Hugh. “The exegetical method of the Greek translator of the book of Job.”
Winder, Richard Bayly. “A history of the Su’udi state from 1233/1818 until 1308/1891.”
Dawn, Clarence Ernest. “Project of greater Syria.”
Hazard, Harry William. “Numismatic history of medieval North Africa.”
Smith, Wilfred Cantwell. “The Azhar journal; survey & critique.”
Wescott, Roger Williams. “A comparative grammar of the Albanian language: pt. I. Phonology.”
Beling, Willard Adolph. “The Hebrew variants in the first book of Samuel compared with the old Greek and the Greek recensions.”
Jabbur, Jibrail S. “The merits of Jerusalem.”
Lennox, Robert. “The theological character of the book of Ezekiel in the Septuagint.”
Szamek, Pierre Ervin. “The eastern American dialect of Hungarian ; an analytical study.”
Sebeok, Thomas Albert. “Finnish and Hungarian case systems ; their form and function.”
Boyd, Robert Henry. “The Arabic text of I Corinthians in “Studia sinaitica no. II “; a comparative linguistic, and critical study.”
Haas, Samuel Sheridan. “The contributions of slaves to and their influence upon the culture of early Islam.”
Johnson, R. Park. “A critical and explanatory translation of portions of the anonymous Ta’rikh-i-Sistan.”
Sleeth, Charles Robert. “The sentence accent of the verb in Indo-European.”
Fritsch, Charles Theodore. “The anti-anthropomorphisms of the Septuagint in the Pentateuch.”
Irving, Thomas Ballantine. “Textual comparison of a section of the Arabic Kalilah wa-dimnah: and the corresponding section of the Old Spanish Calila e Digna.”
Armajani, Yahya. “Critical study and translation of the Arabic and Persian sources concerning the Saffarid period.”
Hourani, George Fadlo. “Arab navigation in the Indian ocean during the ninth and tenth century A.D.”
Reynolds, Stephen Mills. “The “polyglot” Arabic text of Zechariah: a comparative and critical study.”
Bekesi, Andrew [Andrew Panyik]. “A critical and comparative study of the Old Latin texts of the book of Ezekiel and the minor prophets.”
Chung, Kei-won. “The origins of the Korean alphabet.”
Moghadam, Mohamad Etemad. “The Indo-European origins of the Iranian new year festivals.”
Starr, Richard Francis Strong. “A comparative study of the painted designs seen on the Harappan pottery of the Indus valley.”
Glidden, Harold Walter. “A comparative study of the Kay Kawus, Nimrod and Alexander ascensions in Oriental literature and art.”
Jurji, Edward Jabra. “Illumination in Sufism: a translation, with an introduction and notes, based upon a critical edition of Abu-al-Mawahib al-Shadhili’s treatise entitled Maxims of illumination.”
’Abd-al-Malik, Butrus. “A critical study of the Barudi collection of Arabic manuscripts: owned by Mr. Robert Garrett and deposited in the Princeton University library.”
Anderson, Llewellyn Kennedy. “The Bafia language: a preliminary statement.”
Atkins, Samuel DeCoster. ” Pushan in the Rig-Veda.”
Habas, Ralph Alfred. “The Rabbinic sources of the legends relating to the Pentateuchal characters in the Koran.”
Sipos, Istvan. “The “Polyglot” Arabic text of Amos: a comparative and critical study.”
Meritt, Herbert Dean. “The construction apo koinou in the Germanic languages.”
Yusufji, Habib. “The Indo-Iranian water-cult.”
Zurayk, Costi Kaysar. “Miskawayhi’s moral philosophy: being a translation, with annotations and an introduction, of Miskawayhi’s Tahdhib al-Aklaq wa-Tathir al-Araq.”