Reynolds Wins American Historical Association George Louis Beer Prize

Nov. 4, 2011

Shattering Empires cover
Michael A. Reynolds, Associate Professor of Near Eastern Studies, was the co-winner of the George Louis Beer Prize for his book, Shattering Empires: The Clash and Collapse of the Ottoman and Russian Empires 1908–1918, published by Cambridge University Press in 2011. The George Louis Beer Prize is given “in recognition of outstanding historical writing in European international history since 1895. This prize was established in accordance with the terms of a bequest by George Louis Beer (d. 1920), historian of the British colonial system before 1765, to be awarded annually for the best work on any phase of European international history since the year 1895 that is submitted by a scholar who is a United States citizen or permanent resident. The phrase "European international history since the year 1895" may be understood to mean any study of international history since the year 1895 with a significant European dimension. Only books of a high scholarly historical nature should be submitted. Research accuracy, originality, and literary merit are important factors.”