Aspects of Ottoman History: Papers from CIEPO IX, Jerusalem

Publication Year



“The Ninth Congress of the Comité International des Études Préottomanes et Ottomanes (CIEPO) convened in Jerusalem at the end of July 1990. It focused principally on three topics: the Ottoman city; the foreign relations of the Ottomans; and local and regional sources for Ottoman history. Scholars attended from more than a dozen countries and presented over 120 papers. Of these, approximately half were by Israeli scholars from the five major universities, reflecting the importance of Ottoman studies in Israel.

This volume could include only a sample of the papers delivered in Jerusalem. Those papers covered an even broader spectrum of topics than the ones published here. The ones selected mirror the primary concentrations of the meeting, but their scope reflects the tremendous range of subjects to be addressed even within very defined parameters. The twenty-six articles are divided into four categories: Towns; Early Ottoman History; International Relations; and Literary, Administrative, and Other Sources.”

Table of Contents

“The Role of the Tabriz School in the Development of Art in Ottoman Turkey,” Kubra Aliyeva
“Ahmet Midhat Efendi'nin Gözüyle İstanbul,” İnci Enginün
“Ottoman Provincial Transformation in the Distribution of Power: The Tribulations of the Governor of Sivas in 1804,” Fatma Müge Göçek
“La ville d'Istanbul dans l'oeuvre de Pierre Loti,” Nedim Gürsel
“The Effects of Physical Disasters on the jewish Community of Salonika in the Nineteenth Century,” Yitzhak Kerem
“Drawings of the Haram of Jerusalem in Ottoman Manuscripts,” Rachel Milstein
“Myth, Legend and History in the Life of a Provincial Ottoman Town: The Case of Dimitrofçe/Sremska Mitrovica,” Nenad Mocanin
“The Role of Urban Ateliers in Ottoman Miniature Painting since the End of the Sixteenth Century,” Karin Rührdanz
“Medieval Town-Turkish Town in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries,” Maria Sandor
“The Population of Jerusalem's Urban Neighborhoods according to the Ottoman Census of 1905,” Uziel O. Schmelz
“Jewish-Muslim Social and Economic Relations in Haifa (1870–1914), according to Sijill Registers,” Mahmoud Yazbak
“The Sufi Connection: Jerusalem Notables in the Seventeenth Century,” Dror Ze'evi
“The Three Homelands of the Turks,” Sina Akşin
“Mudara,” Keith Hopwood
“Osmanlı Maliyesinde İlhanlı Tesirleri,” Nejat Göyünç
“Le concept de relations internationales et le service diplomatique ottoman au XIXe siècle,” Dimitri Kitsikis
“The Herklots Affair, 1893: A Case Study in Capitalism and Power Politics in the Hijaz,” Jan Schmidt
“Some New Facts on Ottoman Counterespionage in the Levant during World War I,” Eliezer Tauber
“Memorial of the Ottoman Society through the Funerary Steles of Sinop,” Jean-Louis Bacque-Grammont
“Settlements and Population of the Sancak of Jerusalem in the 1870s,” Yehoshua Ben-Arieh
“Turkish Collective Biographical Manuscripts in Cairo University Library: Works by Müstakimzade Süleyman Sa'deddin and Other Scholars from Ottoman Cities,” Eleazar Birnbaum
“Ottoman Resources in the Khalidi Library in Jerusalem,” Lawrence I. Conrad-Barbara Kellner-Heinkele
“Parish Registers as a Source of Data on Late Ottoman Palestine,” Arnold H. Green
“Yakov Yona'nın Derlediği Türk Atasözleri,” Avner Levi
“1140/1727 Yıl Tarihli Gence ve Tiflis Eyaletleri ‘Mufassal Defter’lerine göre Osmanlı Yönetiminde Konar-Göçerler,” Hüsamettin Mehmedov
“An Arabic and a Turkish Chronicler from the Beginning of Ottoman Rule in Egypt: A Comparative Study,” Michael Winter

Series Title
Scripta Hierosolymitana, 0080-8369
Magnes Press, Hebrew University