Documentary Geniza Research in the Twenty-First Century
Special issue of Jewish History 32, nos. 2–4 (2019).
Introduction: A Handbook for Documentary Geniza Research in the Twenty-First Century. Jessica L. Goldberg and Eve Krakowski
Jewish Communal History in Geniza Scholarship: Part 1, From Early Beginnings to Goitein's Magnum Opus. Miriam Frenkel and Moshe Yagur
Jewish Communal History in Geniza Scholarship: Part 2, Goitein's Successors. Arnold E. Franklin
Economic History. Phillip I. Lieberman and Roxani Eleni Margariti
The Geniza and Family History. Eve Krakowski
Intellectual History of the Islamicate World beyond Denominational Borders: Challenges and Perspectives for a Comprehensive Approach. Sabine Schmidtke
Fatimid State Documents. Marina Rustow
Finding a Fragment in a Pile of Geniza: A Practical Guide to Collections, Editions, and Resources. Oded Zinger
Scribal Traditions in Documentary Arabic: From the One Imperial Standard Language to the One (Jewish) Language for Transnational Communication (from the Seventh to the Twelfth Centuries). Andreas Kaplony
Register and Layout in Epistolary Judeo-Arabic. Esther-Miriam Wagner
The Fatimid Petition. Marina Rustow
Petitions of the Jewish Poor. Mark Cohen
Correction to: Petitions of the Jewish Poor. Mark Cohen
"Most of the Haggadot Are Only Opinions": Cambridge University Library T-S Misc.35.14. Ben Outhwaite
Correction to: "Most of the Haggadot Are Only Opinions": Cambridge University Library T-S Misc.35.14. Ben Outhwaite
Mercantile Letters. Jessica L. Goldberg
Epistolary Exchanges with Women. Renée Levine Melammed and Uri Melammed
Methodological Essay on Commercial Contracts. Phillip I. Lieberman
Correction to: Methodological Essay on Commercial Contracts. Phillip I. Lieberman
Legal Documents: How to Identify Prenuptial Agreements. Amir Ashur
An Aramaic Bill of Sale for the Enslaved Nubian Woman. Craig Perry
Responsa in Geniza Fragments. Robert Brody
Correction to: Responsa in Geniza Fragments. Robert Brody
Geniza Magical Documents. Ortal-Paz Saar
Correction to: Geniza Magical Documents. Ortal-Paz Saar
How to Read a Medical Prescription. Leigh Chipman
Correction to: How to Read a Medical Prescription. Leigh Chipman
Writing History from the Geniza: Issues, Methodologies, Prospects. Jessica L. Goldberg
Goitein's Unfinished Legacies. Phillip I. Lieberman
Goitein, the Geniza, and Aspects of Islamic Maritime Laws and Practices. Hassan S. Khalilieh
Goitein and the Study of Slavery in the Medieval Islamic World. Craig Perry
Goitein and Strong Women. Oded Zinger
Digitizing the Geniza. Mark Cohen
Reading Geniza Letters Anew. Arnold E. Franklin
Legacies and Prospects in Geniza Studies and the History of Medicine: Reconstruction of the Medical Bookshelf of Medieval (Jewish) Practitioners. Efraim Lev
The Geniza: Legacies and Prospects. Youval Rotman
Selected Bibliography.
Transliteration Table.