The Iranian Revolution Turns Thirty
Special issue of Radical History Review (No. 105, Fall 2009).
Editors' Introduction -- Behrooz Ghamari-Tabrizi; Mansour Bonakdarian; Nasrin Rahimieh; Ahmad Sadri; Ervand Abrahamian
The Crowd in the Iranian Revolution -- Ervand Abrahamian
Khomeini and the Iranian Revolution in the Egyptian Press: From Fascination to Condemnation -- Hanan Hammad
Iranian Anti-Zionism and the Holocaust: A Long Discourse Dismissed -- Mahdi Ahouie
Revolution, Trauma, and Nostalgia in Diasporic Iranian Women's Autobiographies -- Nima Naghibi
Curated Spaces
The Theory of Survival: An Interview with Taraneh Hemami -- Behrooz Ghamari-Tabrizi
Memory, Mourning, Memorializing: On the Victims of Iran-Iraq War, 1980—Present -- Behrooz Ghamari-Tabrizi
The Revolution Will Not Be Fabricated -- Minoo Moallem
Has Iran's Islamic Revolution Ended? -- Saïd Amir Arjomand
The Revolution and the Rural Poor -- Djavad Salehi-Isfahani
Postrevolutionary Persian Literature: Creativity and Resistance -- Kamran Talattof
Reflections on Literature after the 1979 Revolution in Iran and in the Diaspora -- Persis M. Karim
Postrevolutionary Trends in Persian Fiction and Film -- M. R. Ghanoonparvar
Islamic Revolution and the Circulation of Visual Culture -- Mazyar Lotfalian
Intellectual Life after the 1979 Revolution: Radical Hope and Nihilistic Dreams -- Ali Mirsepassi
Contested Narratives of the Present: Postrevolutionary Culture and Media in Iran -- Niki Akhavan