Islam at 250: Studies in Memory of G.H.A. Juynboll
Petra Sijpesteijn, Ph.D. 2004.
Islam at 250: Studies in Memory of G.H.A. Juynboll is a collection of original articles on the state of Islamic sciences and Arabic culture in the early phases of their crystallization. It covers a wide range of intellectual activity in the first three centuries of Islam, such as the study ofḥadīth, the Qurʾān, Arabic language and literature, and history. Individually and taken together, the articles provide important new insights and make an important contribution to scholarship on early Islam. The authors, whose work reflects an affinity with Juynboll's research interests, are all experts in their fields. Pointing to the importance of interdisciplinary approaches and signalling lacunae, their contributions show how scholarship has advanced since Juynboll's days.
Table of ContentsAcknowledgements
List of Figures and Tables
Notes on Contributors
Notes on Transliteration, Names and Dates
Islamic Studies as a Legacy: Remembering Gautier Juynboll
Léon Buskens
Bibliography of G.H.A. Juynboll
Petra M. Sijpesteijn and Camilla Adang
Part 1 Scholary Traditions and Networks
1 Ibn Abī Isḥāq (d. ca. 125/743) and His Scholarly Network
Monique Bernards
2 The Maghreb and Al-Andalus at 250 H: Rulers, Scholars and Their Works
Maribel Fierro
3 Muslim Tradition: Theory vs Usage. The Definition (ḥadd) and the Usage (istiʿmāl) in Sunnī Hadith Science in the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries CE
Asma Hilali
4 The Theory and Practice of Hadith Criticism in the Mid-ninth Century
Christopher Melchert
5 Juynboll, al-Zuhrī, and al-Kitāb: About the Historicity of Transmission below the Common Link Level
Pavel Pavlovitch
Part 2 Creating the Canon
6 Muck and Brass: The Context for Analysing Early Imāmī Legal Doctrine
Robert Gleave
7 When Did Ibn Isḥāq Compose His maghāzī?
Michael Lecker
8 Ibn Ḥanbal’s Reconstruction of the Ṣaḥīfa of ʿAmr b. Shuʿayb: A Preliminary Assessment
Scott Lucas
Part 3 Contexts of Hadith Creation and Transmission
9 The Curious Case of Early Muslim Hair Dyeing
Ahmed El Shamsy
10 “Will you not Teach ruqyat al-namla to This (Woman) …?”: Notes on a Hadith’s Historical Uncertainties and Its Role in Translations of Muḥammad
Aisha Geissinger
11 Cry me a Jāhiliyya: Muslim Reconstructions of Pre-Islamic Arabian Culture—A Case Study
Peter Webb
Part 4 Terminology and Definitions
12 Hadith as Adab: Ibn Qutayba’s Chapter on Hadith in His ʿUyūn al-Akhbār
Geert Jan van Gelder
13 Étymologie et monoprophétisme: Réflexions sur les ḥanīfs du Coran entre mythe et histoire
Claude Gilliot
14 Gautier H.A. Juynboll, ḥaḍīth and ḥadīth-related Technical Terminology: khabar in Western Studies and Early Islamic Literature
Roberto Tottoli