Princeton Series on the Middle East

Series editors

? and William Blair

Cyrus Schayegh and William Blair

Bernard Lewis and Şükrü Hanioğlu

Bernard Lewis and Andras Hamori

Bernard Lewis and Heath W. Lowry

Publications List

745 Publications
Journal Article

This article encourages a reevaluation of the role of Anatolian Muslim merchants and notability in the Turkish nationalist movement after World War I. It offers the political career of Gümüşhane merchant Kadirbeyoğlu Zeki Bey (1884–1952) as one step toward such a reevaluation. Zeki is known to historians of Turkey for his seemingly unusual…


Vassilios Christides, Ph.D. 1970.

Based on the current Athenian dialect, this guide to 201 modern Greek verbs presents each word in all forms, one verb to a page for easy reference. Includes the most frequently used verbs of modern Greek.


Raphael Danziger, Ph.D. 1974.

As the Commander of the Faithful in the 1830s and 40s, Abd al-Qadir's task was twofold: to resist the incursions of the French with whatever resources he could muster, and to bring some measure of unitiy to the tribal peoples of Algeria.


Jessica Marglin, Ph.D. 2012.

A previously untold story of Jewish-Muslim relations in modern Morocco, showing how law facilitated Jews’ integration into the broader Moroccan society in which they lived

Morocco went through immense…


Aḥmad Ṭāhir Ḥasanayn, Ph.D. 1977

Most Arabic textbooks concentrate on morphology and syntax, but while these provide the indispensable structural base, students still find there is a wide gap between their theoretical knowledge and their practical ability to write connected prose. This unique textbook concentrates on the connectors …


Positioned at the crossroads of the maritime routes linking the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, the Yemeni port of Aden grew to be one of the medieval world's greatest commercial hubs. Approaching Aden's history between the eleventh and thirteenth centuries through the prism of overseas…

Cloth: 9780807830765; paper: 9781469614922; ebook: 9781469606712

This is a comparative study dealing with the maritime practices which prevailed in the Byzantine and Islamic worlds around the Mediterranean from 7-10 centuries C.E. and consists of seven chapters. The first chapter describes the physical and legal significance of the ship, computation of capacity, and the importance of naming commercial…


Advanced Turkish DVD-ROM is comprehensive multimedia language courseware. This DVD-ROM package is the equivalent of a textbook and workbook, with audio and video.

It can be used either by independent learners or by students in a traditional or self-instructional classroom setting, and covers material…


Translated by Adam Sabra, Ph.D. 1998.

This mirror for princes sheds light on the relationship between spiritual and political authority in early modern Egypt

This guide to political behavior and expediency offers advice to Sufi shaykhs, or spiritual guides, on how to interact and negotiate with powerful secular officials,…

Cloth: 9780300198652; ebook: 9780300225280

Ralph S. Hattox, PhD 1982

Cloth: 9780295965932; paper: 9780874050219
“Rugged, remote, riven by tribal rivalries and religious violence, Afghanistan seems to many a country frozen in time and forsaken by the world. Afghan Modern presents a bold challenge to these misperceptions, revealing how Afghans, over the course of their history, have engaged and connected with a wider world and come to share in our…
“Two prominent anthropologists describe their long “journey” with the Afghan people, a journey that lasted thirty years and was punctuated by the events that caused Afghanistan’s transformation from the monarchic state of Zaher Shah to Daoud’s republic, from the communist dictatorship to the Taliban terror and then to the uncertainties of the…
Afghanistan: From Holy War to Civil War assesses the impact of the Afghan mujahidin movement as a case study of the success and limits of the Islamic political framework. The Afghan mujahidin movement is portrayed in all its specificity and in the broader context of its links to world Islamic fundamentalism.

  Olivier Roy combines intimate…


Edited by Ehud R. Toledano, Ph.D. 1979

The undeniable presence of the past and its cultural vestiges in the daily lives of displaced populations has been a noticeable feature of diasporas across the globe. The world of spirits and the…

9781592218509; 9781592218516

Medieval interpretations of the Qur'an often serve as points of reference for Muslim thought; yet Qur'an commentaries were shaped not only by the Qur'an itself, but also by their authors' ideological viewpoints, their theories of interpretation, their methods, and the conventions of the genre…


Translated by Tom Papademetriou, Ph.D. 2001.

A journey in time … a previous refugee crisis in the Mediterranean … the momentous historical events of 1922 seen through the eyes of third and fourth-generation descendants of those who lived and died through them.

This graphic novel dramatically tells the story of Greeks and…


Aksum and Nubia assembles and analyzes the textual and archaeological evidence of interaction between Nubia and the Ethiopian kingdom of Aksum, focusing primarily on the fourth century CE. Although ancient Nubia and Ethiopia have been the subject of a growing number of studies in recent years,…


Aḥmad Ṭāhir Ḥasanayn, Ph.D. 1977


Aḥmad Ṭāhir Ḥasanayn, Ph.D. 1977


The multi-volume chronicle of the Cairo scholar Abd al-Rahman al-Jabarti (1753-1825), known in Arabic as caja-’ib al-atha-r fi- al-tara-jim wa-al-akhba-r, which translates roughly as The Most Wondrous Achievements: Biographies and Reports of Events, is the single most important primary source for the history of Egypt over nearly four…

9781558764460, 1558764461, 9781558764477, 155876447X

Critical edition and introduction by Michael Lecker; annotated translation by Yaara Perlman, Ph.D. 2022.

Table of contents

List of Plates

 1 Idols in Conversion Reports
 2 Mecca
 3 Medina (Yaṯrib) (§ 110–117)
 4 Idols…

Cloth: 978-90-04-49983-6; ebook: 978-90-04-49986-7

Aḥmad Ṭāhir Ḥasanayn, Ph.D. 1977


Michael Oren, Ph.D. 1986.

Michael Oren served as the Israeli ambassador to the United States from 2009 to 2013. An American by birth and a historian by training, Oren arrived at his diplomatic post just as Benjamin Netanyahu, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton assumed office. During Oren's tenure in office, Israel and America grappled…


Adrien Leites, Ph.D. 1997.

Dans le débat contemporain sur l’amour, les références chrétiennes sont courantes, bien que souvent confuses. L’islam est absent du débat, ou assimilé au christianisme. Cette dernière tendance touche le « dialogue interreligieux », qui se nourrit de…


Co-editor Petra M. Sijpesteijn, Ph.D. 2004

In this volume amulets and talismans are studied within a broader system of meaning that shapes how they were manufactured, activated and used in different networks. Text, material features and the environments in which these artifacts circulated, are studied alongside each other, resulting…

Paper: 9789004471474; ebook: 9789004471481
"Why does Islam play a larger role in contemporary politics than other religions? Is there something about the Islamic heritage that makes Muslims more likely than adherents of other faiths to invoke it in their political life? If so, what is it? Ancient Religions, Modern Politics seeks to answer these questions by examining the roles of Islam,…

Edited by George Hatke, Ph.D. 2011.

South Arabia, an area encompassing all of today’s Yemen and neighboring regions in Saudi Arabia and Oman, is one of the least-known parts of the Near East. However, it is primarily due to its remoteness, coupled with the difficulty of…


This is a substantially expanded edition of the author's seminal work "The Authoritative and Authoritarian in Islamic Discourses: A Contemporary Case Study". Beginning with the case study of a Muslim basketball player who refused to stand up while the American national anthem was playing, the author documents the disintegration of the Islamic…

Cloth: 0761820833; paper: 0761820841

Karen Bauer, Ph.D. 2008

A unique resource for scholars and students of the Qur'an and its interpretations, Islamic studies, and genderAdopts a groundbreaking approach for the study of women in the Qur'anBrings historical commentaries spanning twelve centuries into dialogue with contemporary perspectivesShowcases the intellectual variety of…

John E. Woods, Ph.D. 1974.


Martin S. Kramer, Ph.D. 1982

Over the past decade, the political ground beneath the Middle East has shifted. Arab nationalism the political orthodoxy for most of this century has lost its grip on the imagination and allegiance of a new generation. At the same time, Islam as an ideology has spread across the region, and "Islamists" bid…

Cloth: 9781138518889; paper: 9781412807678; ebook: 9781315082172

This second volume in the series Minnesota Studies in Early Modern History brings together eleven original studies in the history of the Arab provinces of the Ottoman Empire. One of world history’s largest, longest-lived, and most influential empires, the Ottoman Empire controlled the Balkans, Anatolia, and most of the Middle East throughout…


Jane Hathaway, Ph.D. 1992

The Arab Lands under Ottoman Rule assesses the effects of Ottoman rule on the Arab Lands of Egypt, Greater Syria, Iraq, and Yemen between 1516 and 1800.

Drawing attention to the important history of these regions, the book challenges outmoded perceptions of this period as a demoralizing…

Cloth: 9781138643444; paper: 9781138643451; ebook: 9781003015079

In this seminal study, Jane Hathaway presents a wide-ranging reassessment of the effects of Ottoman rule on the Arab Lands of Egypt, Greater Syria, Iraq and Yemen - the first of its kind in over forty years.

Challenging outmoded perceptions of this period as a demoralizing prelude to the rise of Arab nationalism and Arab nation…


Edited by Ralph M. Coury, Ph.D. 1984

The chapters of this book offer a broad overview of the culturally rich, complex, and rapidly changing world of Arab-Islamic North Africa. The authors are scholars and professors who represent a wide range of nationalities, specializations, methodologies, and points of view. Fields of interest…


The Byzantine Empire was the Islamic commonwealth’s first and most stubborn adversary. For many centuries it loomed large in Islamic diplomacy, military operations and commerce, as well as in Islamic representations of the world in general. Moreover, the ways in which early Muslims and Byzantines perceived one another ” both polemically and…

Cloth: 9780860787167; ebook: 9781315262284

Boaz Shoshan, Ph.D. 1978

The early Arab conquests pose a considerable challenge to modern-day historians. The earliest historical written tradition emerges only after the second half of the eighth century- over one hundred years removed from the events it contends to describe, and was undoubtedly influenced by the motives and…

Cloth: 9781138918948; Paper: 9780815357940; ebook: 9781315688145