Princeton Series of Middle Eastern Sources in Translation

Series editor Şükrü Hanioğlu

The purpose of this series is to provide reasonably priced translations into English of Middle Eastern sources. The first volume to appear is a partial translation of Kâtip Çelebi’s Tuhfet ül-Kibar fi Esfar il-Bihar, or The History of the Maritime Wars of the Turks, a seventeenth-century account of Ottoman naval history from the conquest of Constantimople to the author’s death in 1657. The second volume is an edition of Heinz Halm’s The Arabs: A Short History, which has been expanded to include the addition of 150 pages of annotated documents. The third volume is a collection of fatwas on Muslims living under non-Muslim rule.

Publications List

22 Publications
Applied Filters: First Letter Of Last Name: T Reset

Translated and annotated by David S. Powers, Ph.D. 1979

In this volume, which covers the caliphates of Sulayman, 'Umar II, and Yazid II, al-Tabari provides vivid and detailed accounts of the events spanning the period from 97-105/715-724. We listen to the stirring speeches of Qutaybah b. Muslim, in which he urges his followers to…

Cloth: 9780791400722; paper: 9780791400739

Translated by Fred McGraw Donner, B.A. 1968, Ph.D. 1975.

Translation of extracts from: Taʼrīkh al-rusul wa-al-mulūk.


This first in-depth scholarly study of the institution of ziyāra (visiting tombs), and its central role in the cult of Muslim saints in late medieval Egypt (1200-1500 A.D.), makes an original contribution to the social history of religion. It explores the range of meanings that saints held for the contemporary…


Identity and Identity Formation in the Ottoman World is a collection of articles authored by the students and colleagues of Norman Itzkowitz. The contributors include Engin Deniz Akarli, Karl K. Barbir, Cornell H. Fleischer, Jane Hathaway, Cemal Kafadar, Metin Kunt, Rudi Paul Lindner, Heath W. Lowry, Scott Redford, Vamik D. Volkan, and…

Cloth: 9780299227500; paper: 9780299227548

Although scholars have begun to revise the traditional view that the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries marked a decline in the fortunes of the Ottoman Empire, Baki Tezcan’s book proposes a radical new approach to this period. While he concurs that decline did take place in certain areas, he constructs a new framework by foregrounding the…


Rev. and edited by Norman Itzkowitz, Ph.D. 1959

Proven from years of success at Princeton University, this comprehensive grammar and exercise book yields maximum results in 23 lessons covering all essentials of grammar from alphabet to progressive verb forms. Enables students to quickly understand and use basic patterns of modern…


Edited by Norman Itzkowitz, Ph.D. 1959.


Edited by Ehud Toledano, Ph.D. 1979. 

Society, Law, and Culture in the Middle East: “Modernities” in the Making is an edited volume that seeks to deepen and broaden our understanding of various forms of change in Middle Eastern and North African societies during the Ottoman period. It offers an in-depth analysis of reforms and…

Ehud R. Toledano, Ph.D. 1979

Previous studies of nineteenth-century Egypt have often been premature in identifying the existence of an independent nation state. In a way which will permanently affect our view of Egyptian history, this book argues that in the mid-nineteenth-century period Egypt was still an Ottoman province, with a…

Cloth: 0521371945; paper: 9780521534536

Edited by Ehud R. Toledano, Ph.D. 1979

The undeniable presence of the past and its cultural vestiges in the daily lives of displaced populations has been a noticeable feature of diasporas across the globe. The world of spirits and the…

9781592218509; 9781592218516

Ehud R. Toledano, Ph.D. 1979

This groundbreaking book reconceptualizes slavery through the voices of enslaved persons themselves, voices that have remained silent in the narratives of conventional history. Focusing in particular on the Islamic Middle East from the late eighteenth to the early twentieth century, Ehud R. Toledano…

Cloth: 9780300114614; paper: 9780300126181

Ehud R. Toledano, Ph.D. 1979

This book is a historical account of the slave trading system of the Ottoman Empire in the second half of the nineteenth century and of the attempts, which were eventually successful, to suppress it.

Paper: 9780691613932

Ehud R. Toledano, Ph.D. 1979

In the Ottoman Empire, many members of the ruling elite were legally slaves of the sultan and therefore could, technically, be ordered to surrender their labor, their property, or their lives at any moment. Nevertheless, slavery provided a means of social mobility, conferring status and political power…


Edited by Samer Traboulsi, Ph.D. 2005.

The Ikhwan al-Safa' (Brethren of Purity), the anonymous adepts of a tenth-century esoteric fraternity based in Basra and Baghdad, hold an eminent position in the history of science and philosophy in Islam due to the wide reception and assimilation of their monumental encyclopaedia, the Rasa …


Ralph S. Hattox, PhD 1982

Cloth: 9780295965932; paper: 9780874050219

Edited by Leor Halevi, B.A. 1994

Written by an international group of highly respected scholars and experts in the field The essays advance our knowledge considerably, bringing to light little-known events in the field of cross-cultural trade Engages with debates in a variety of academic disciplines…
Cloth: 9780199379187; paper: 9780199379194

The Hanafi school of law is one of the oldest legal schools of Islam, coming into existence in the eighth century in Iraq, and surviving up to the present. So closely is the early development of the Hanafi school interwoven with non-legal spheres, such as the political, social, and theological, that the study of it…


Nurit Tsafrir, Ph.D. 1993

Offering the first close study of the ʿAqila, a group collectively liable for blood money payments on behalf of a member who committed an accidental homicide, Nurit Tsafrir analyses the group's transformation from a pre-Islamic custom to an institution of the Shari'a, and its further evolution through…


Co-authored by Ehud Toledano, Ph.D. 1979.