Trauma and History
Special Issue of Historical Reflaxion/Reflexions Historiques, Vol. 41, no. 3 (2015)
Table of Contents:Di-Capua, Yoav. “Trauma and Other Historians: An Introduction.”
Archambeau, Nicole. “Miraculous Healing for the Warrior Soul: Transforming Fear, Violence, and Shame in Fourteenth-Century Provence.”
Steinberg, Ronen. “Trauma and the Effects of Mass Violence in Revolutionary France: A Critical Inquiry.”
Finchelstein, Federico. “From Holocaust Trauma to the Dirty War.”
Kuby, Emma. “ 'Our Actions Never Cease to Haunt Us': Frantz Fanon, Jean-Paul Sartre, and the Violence of the Algerian War.”
Foray, Jennifer L. “The Trauma of Liberation: Dutch Political Culture and the Indonesian Question in 1945.”
Horowitz, Andy. “The Complete Story of the Galveston Horror: Trauma, History, and the Great Storm of 1900.”
Yang, Dominic Meng-Hsuan. “Noble Ghosts, Empty Graves, and Suppressed Traumas: The Heroic Tale of 'Taiyuan's Five Hundred Martyrs' in the Chinese Civil War.”