
13 Publications
Applied Filters: First Letter Of Last Name: I Reset

Translated, with an introduction, by Michael W. Dols, Ph.D. 1971

This book describes medieval Islamic medicine and to explore a specific medical text, On the Prevention of Bodily Ills in Egypt by 'Ali ibn Ridwan (A.D. 998 - 1068). It seeks to answer the following questions: What did it mean to be a doctor in…

Edited by John E. Woods, Ph.D. 1974.

"Matn-i Fārsī bih taṣḥīḥ-i Jān Vūdz; hamrāh bā tarjumah-i mukhtaṣar-i matn bih Ingilīsī tavassuṭ-i Vlādimīr Mīnūriskī; bā tajdīd-i naẓar va taṣḥīḥ-i Jān Vūdz."

Edited by Celene Ibrahim, B.A. 2008.

Comprised of the wisdom of over fifty scholars, preachers, poets, and artists, this anthology is born of the conviction that open-hearted engagement across our differences is a prerequisite for healthy civic life today. The collection offers…

Celene Ibrahim, B.A. 2008

First book to explore the entire cast of Qur'anic female figures Provides structural analysis of select Qur'anic surahs involving women figures Offers extensive analysis of sex and sexuality as depicted in the Qur'an Conducts the first comprehensive study of female…

Co-translator Norman Itzkowitz, Ph.D. 1959.



A preeminent scholar of Turkish history vividly portrays 300 years of this distinctively Eastern culture as it grew from a military principality to the world's most powerful Islamic state. He paints a striking picture of the prominence of…

Annotated and trans. by Norman Itzkowitz, Ph.D. 1959, and Max Mote.

This work presents the sefaretname of Abdülkerim Pasha written by Nahifi Mehmet Efendi and the account of the Russian embassy to Constantinople in 1776 by Prince N. V. Repnin.

Co-compiled by Norman Itzkowitz, Ph.D. 1959.

The difficult subject of ethnic conflict in the Balkans, and the historical and political background of the area are clarified through broadsheets, historical documents, photographs and illustrations. A history of the…

Norman Itzkowitz, Ph.D. 1959.

This skillfully written text presents the full sweep of Ottoman history from its beginnings on the Byzantine frontier in about 1300, through its development as an empire, to its late eighteenth-century confrontation with a rapidly modernizing Europe…

Co-authored by Norman Itzkowitz, Ph.D. 1959.

Explore the life of a poor peasant who became one of the most powerful men in Russia by claiming to have mystical powers. Age Range: 11 to 17 years.

Co-authored by Norman Itzkowitz, Ph.D. 1959.

From property forfeiture to public flogging to burning at the stake, persecution and torture were all in a day's work for Tom?s de Torquemada-- a monk without mercy for anyone who broke the laws of the Church. Age Range: 11 to 17 years.…

Co-authored by Norman Itzkowitz, Ph.D. 1959.

Explore the life of Vlad "the Impaler" Dracula, the fifteenth-century Romanian prince who served as a model for Bram Stoker's infamous vampire. Age Range: 11 to 17 years.

Katharina Anna Ivanyi, Ph.D. 2012

In Virtue, Piety and the Law Katharina Ivanyi examines Birgivī Meḥmed Efendī’s (d. 981/1573) al-arīqa al-muammadiyya, a major work of pietist exhortation and advice, composed by the sixteenth-century Ottoman jurist,