Edited, and with an introduction by Eric L. Ormsby, Ph.D. 1981
Shortlisted: 2003—Griffin Prize for Poetry (Canada); Commended: 2003—Globe Top 100; Commended: 2008—New England Book Festival
The title of this book is taken from Page’s poem, ‘Planet Earth’, which was chosen by the United Nations in 2000 for their celebratory…
“In a crumbling mansion in a gentrified former fishing village on the Turkish coast, the widow Fatma awaits the annual visit of her grandchildren: Faruk, a dissipated historian; his sensitive leftist sister, Nilgün; and Metin, a high schooler drawn to the fast life of the nouveaux riche. Bedridden, Fatma is attended by her faithful servant…
Tom Papademetriou, Ph.D. 2001.
“The received wisdom about the nature of the Greek Orthodox Church in the Ottoman Empire is that Sultan Mehmed II reestablished the Patriarchate of Constantinople as both a political and a religious authority to govern the post-Byzantine Greek community. However, relations between the Church hierarchy…
List of maps
Publisher's preface
Introduction M. A. Cook
1. The rise of the Ottoman Empire H. İnalcik
2. The reigns of Bāyezīd II and Selīm I, 1451–1520 V. J. Parry
3. The reign of Sulaimān the Magnificent, 1520–66 V. J. Parry
4. The successors of Sulaimān, 1566…
This novella interweaves the stories of five women who set out to escape the restrictions of family and social life in contemporary Iran. Through murder, suicide and even rape, as well as love, contemplation and spiritual transformation, they succeed, only to face new challenges.
On dönem Osmanlı tarihinde oynadığı belirleyici rolü tartışmasız olan Osmanlı İttihad ve Terakki Cemiyeti (Fırkası)’nın yapısı incelendiğinde; farklı alanlarda, değişik liderle karşılaşılıyor. İşte bunlardan biri olan Enver Paşanın 1911–1913 yıllarına ait mektuplarından derlenmiş olan bu kitap son dönem Osmanlı Tarihine kısa da olsa bir bakış…
M. Fuat Koprulu Prize, Turkish Studies Association, 2002–2003
Albert Hourani Book Award, Middle East Studies Association of North America
In this skillful analysis, Leslie Peirce delves into the life of a sixteenth-century Middle Eastern community, bringing to light the ways that women and men used their local law court to…
Leslie Peirce, Ph.D. 1988.
In Empress of the East, historian Leslie Peirce tells the remarkable story of a Christian slave girl, Roxelana, who was abducted by slave traders from her Ruthenian homeland and brought to the harem of Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent in…
Leslie Peirce, Ph.D. 1988.
Winner of the M. Fuat Köprülü Book Prize of the Turkish Studies Association
Examines the sources of royal women's power and assesses the reactions of contemporaries, which ranged from loyal devotion to armed opposition Argues that the exercise of political power was tied to definitions of sexuality …Leslie Peirce, Ph.D. 1988
Without the labor of the captives and slaves, the Ottoman empire could not have attained and maintained its strength in early modern times. With Anatolia as the geographic focus, Leslie Peirce searches for the voices of the unfree, drawing on archives, histories written at the time, and legal texts.
Kenneth J. Perkins, Ph.D. 1973.
The demographically modest, but strategically significant, country of Tunisia has experienced profound and revolutionary change in the almost two decades since the publication of the previous edition of this volume (1997). Most dramatically, a populist uprising in 2011 ousted the entrenched dictatorship…
Kenneth J. Perkins, Ph.D. 1973.
Kenneth Perkins' book traces the history of Tunisia from the mid-nineteenth century to the present. After initially examining the years of French colonial rule from 1881 to 1956, when the Tunisians achieved independence, he describes the subsequent process of state-building, including the design of…
Kenneth J. Perkins, Ph.D. 1973.
Kenneth Perkins's second edition of A History of Modern Tunisia, updated with a new chapter, carries the history of this country from 2004 to the present, with particular emphasis on the Tunisian revolution of 2011 – the first critical event of that year's Arab Spring and the…
Kenneth J. Perkins, Ph.D. 1967
In 1904, only the unimposing tomb of a local holy man occupied the site chosen by British officials for the construction of a modern seaport to facilitate the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan's expanded commerce. Built where no urban center had previously existed…
Kenneth J. Perkins, Ph.D. 1973.
"A valuable addition to the comparatively small collection of reference works about Tunisia. This is a useful, valuable and needed addition..." —CHOICE
Kenneth J. Perkins, Ph.D. 1973.
Containing an updated chronology, additional entries, and an enlarged bibliography, this second edition of the Historical Dictionary of Tunisia offers interested historians the information they need for continued research into this unique African nation. As a link between Arab…
Love, family and religion clash in Pirzad's follow up to the internationally acclaimed Things We Left Unsaid
In a small town on the edge of the Caspian Sea, Edmond Lazarian and his best friend Tahereh pass their days playing together,…
Edited by Mustafa Aksakal, Ph.D. 2003.
In a world grappling with refugee crisis, political unrest and economies on the verge of collapse, temporary migration has become an increasingly common phenomenon.
This volume presents a comprehensive picture of the transformative and development potential of temporary transnational…
Peter Poullada, B.A. 1975.
In the mid-eighteenth century the Russian tsar sent two expeditions across the Caspian Sea in response to an extraordinary plea for assistance from the recently subjugated Kalmyk Khan. The official journals of these expeditions, here translated into English for the first time, record the encounters of…
David S. Powers, Ph.D. 1979
David S. Powers, Ph.D. 1979
The first eleven essays in this collection treat the application of Islamic law in qadi courts in the Maghrib in the period between 1100 and 1500 CE. Based on preserved legal documents and the expert opinions of Muslim jurists (Muftis), the essays examine family law cases involving legal minority,…
David S. Powers, Ph.D. 1979
David Powers analyzes the application of Islamic law through six cases which took place during the period 1300 to 1500 in the Maghrib. The source for these disputes are fatwas issued by the muftis, which Powers uses to situate each case in its historical context and to interpret the principles of law. He…
David S. Powers, Ph.D. 1979
The Islamic claim to supersede Judaism and Christianity is embodied in the theological assertion that the office of prophecy is hereditary but that the line of descent ends with Muhammad, who is the seal, or last, of the prophets.
While Muhammad had no natural sons who reached the age of maturity,…
David S. Powers, Ph.D. 1979
Although Muḥammad had no natural sons who reached the age of maturity, Islamic sources report that he adopted a man named Zayd shortly before receiving his first revelation. This "son of Muḥammad" was the Prophet's heir for the next fifteen or twenty years. He was the first adult male to become a Muslim and…
David S. Powers, Ph.D. 1979
There is arguably no field of Islamic law that reflects the situation in the Hijaz during the lifetime of Muhammad as well as the law of inheritance, which is treated at length and in exquisite detail in the Qurʾan. Shortly after the hijra to Medina in 622, six verses regulating different aspects of…
Co-editor Davis S. Powers, Ph.D. 1979
The essays in Islamic Ecumene address the ways in which Muslims from Morocco to Indonesia and from sub-Saharan Africa to the steppes of Uzbekistan are members of a broad cultural unit. Although the Muslim…