Edited by Petra Sijpesteijn, Ph.D. 2004.
This volume is a tribute to the work of legal and social historian and Arabist Rudolph Peters (University of Amsterdam). Presenting case studies from…
Alan Verskin, Ph.D. 2010.
“The Reconquista left unprecedentedly large numbers of Muslims living under Christian rule. Since Islamic religious and legal institutions had been developed by scholars who lived under Muslim rule and who assumed this condition as a given, how Muslims should proceed in the absence of such rule became the…
Translated by Alan Verskin, Ph.D. 2010.
In 1869, Hayyim Habshush, a Yemeni Jew, accompanied the European orientalist Joseph Halévy on his archaeological tour of Yemen. Twenty years later, Habshush wrote A Vision of Yemen, a memoir of their travels, that provides a vivid account of daily life, religion, and politics. More than…
Sara Verskin, Ph.D. 2017
Barren Women is the first scholarly book to explore the ramifications of being infertile in the medieval Arab-Islamic world. Through an examination of legal texts, medical treatises, and works of religious preaching, Sara Verskin illuminates how attitudes toward mixed-gender…
Translator Alan Verskin, Ph.D. 2010
In 1524, a man named David Reubeni appeared in Venice, claiming to be the ambassador of a powerful Jewish kingdom deep in the heart of Arabia. In this era of fierce rivalry between great powers, voyages of fantastic discovery, and brutal conquest of new lands, people throughout the…
Co-edited by Luke Yarbrough, Ph.D. 2012.
An alternative perspective on minority encounters in the medieval Mediterranean.
What is a minority? How did members of minority groups in the medieval Mediterranean world interact with contemporaries…
Co-authored by Norman Itzkowitz, Ph.D. 1959.
This book "traces the psychological origins of Atatürk's lifelong mission to save and repair the Turkish nation, with emphasis on the intertwining between psychological motivations and historical events."
Co-authored by Norman Itzkowitz, Ph.D. 1959.
Despite an abundance of literature on Richard Nixon, the man behind the most spectacular crash-and-burn career of modern political history has remained an enigma. What lay behind his obsessive hunger for power and control, his paranoid…
Co-authored by Norman Itzkowitz, Ph.D. 1959.
Translated from the German and annotated by Eric Ormsby, Ph.D. 1981
In 1814, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe read the poems of the great fourteenth-century Persian poet Hafiz in a newly published translation by Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall. For Goethe, the book was a revelation. He felt a deep connection with Hafiz and Persian poetic…
Introduction written by Ralph S. Hattox, Ph.D. 1982